Friday, July 15, 2011

Ha, I forgot!

Hey guys, what's up?  So, if you read my first post, you'll see that I mentioned that I could easily let this blog slide away like I do so many things.  Well, it happened.  I forgot all about the damn thing.  But then, I remembered.  So I thought I'd say hi and update y'all on a few things. 

1:  Still no luck on the baby front.  I spent about two weeks this last month feeling totally nauseous every time I ate anything, so I was really hoping it meant success, but apparently I just had a little bug.  Oh, well.  God provides when we are ready, so it will surely happen eventually.

2:  There is a promotion available at work.  I've put in for it.  I don't know that I'll even be considered, the way things have been going lately, but wish me luck.  Often it seems that I am much more down on myself than others are, so maybe that is the case this time.

3:  I've taken up crocheting again, and this time I'm in love.  I'm building a huge yarn stash (well, really, it's quite small, but I've gotta start somewhere, right?) that will be the envy of all yarn-lovers everywhere in about 200 years.  I've learned all sorts of new stitches and techniques and am just in hooker heaven.  Yes, hooker.  Apparently that is what crocheters are called.  If I start selling my creations, would my business manager be my pimp?  That'd be awesome.  "Hi, I'm Morgan, and this is my pimp."  Can you imagine?

4:  There is no 4.  My life is pretty dull.  That's probably why I've not updated this much.  I'm gonna need to figure out something to write about other than my life, or this thing is going right down the crapper.

Anyways, I'm hungry, so I'm gonna leave you with this one:  In a magazine recently, there was a quote from Ke$ha that said she didn't listen to her own work because it was "kind of douchey."  I was impressed with her honesty and logic.  It seems even Ke$ha has the good sense not to listen to her music.

Peace out, girl scouts,

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