Saturday, May 7, 2011

Not So Bad

     Hi everyone.  After yesterday's post, I had several people send me seemingly worried comments.  I'm okay, really.  I just wanted to kind of let people know why they didn't see very much of me, and why I so often turned down invitations to come visit or go places with people.  After rereading what I wrote, I realize it does sound incredibly depressing, and I am sorry.  So today, I wanted to tell you guys about some good stuff that's been going on.

      Joe and I are trying to get pregnant.  At one point, I was telling people that we were trying to start a family, but recently I've realized that that terminology is stupid.  We already have a family.  A huge, crazy, loving, unpredictable, wonderful family.  Between the two of us, we have five parents (that's not a typo), six grandparents, and if I counted right, about twenty-two aunts and uncles.  I have three great sisters and a brother; Joe has two pretty alright brothers (just kidding, they're great, too!) and some awesome sisters-in-law.  We have some fantastic, if nutty, nephews, and more cousins than I could even begin to count.  And, even without all of these wonderful people in our lives, we have each other, which is more than I could ever ask for.  So, "starting a family" just doesn't work.  We're simply trying to add one more to the brood.
     Work sucks, but is also wonderful.  I leave everyday stressed out of my mind, but I love my job, and want to move up in my company and take on more responsibility.  I'm pretty sure I'm just a glutton for punishment, but I enjoy it even when it drives me to tears.  I think I'm just nuts.
     I'm getting pretty good at Call of Duty: Black Ops.  I know this doesn't seem like much, but it's one of the few video games Joe has ever been better than me at.  I am an incredibly competitive person, and I can't stand it when Joe beats me at stuff.  He's still considerably better than me, but the gap is closing.  I occasionally even get more kills than he does.
     We are quitting smoking.  We got our gum in the mail today from the Oklahoma Tobacco quit line.  (1-800-QUIT-NOW, if anyone is interested.)  They were actually fairly helpful, and I really hope that with the gum and the support program, we'll be able to quit successfully within a few weeks or months.  Wish us luck!
     There may be more, but as of right now, I can't think of much else to share.  So anyway, thanks for reading.  Love you guys,

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